July 27, 2024

Transformation of Traditional Education into E-Learning & Its Benefits

Earlier people used to send a letter and wait for many days for a reply, whereas nowadays as soon as we send our message through mail, we receive the reply the next second. Same speed has entered into the education sector also where various national and international institutions are offering many online courses and programs which are getting popular also and students are getting to study those courses also, in which they had never ever dreamt of getting enrolled. The most important and popular factors which make this transformation of traditional education into online learning are affordability, accessibility, effectiveness and the advancement of interaction level learners get in this process with tutors and peer groups.

If we compare the traditional education system and online learning system then we find that traditional was a very time taking process. The speed of transfer of information was very slow earlier. Everything was hand written and students had to wait for the lecturer to start the learning process and then for the notes which he/she used to provide and that too in a limited criterion to information which either used to be collected by tutor or from book. Now if we look into the transformation of traditional education into online learning then we find that the speed of transfer of information is far faster than earlier. Now students can obtain information related to study material from anywhere and anytime that means 24×7. Now the criteria of information and details are not limited to just books. In the traditional way of education, authoritative people used to manage everything but today tools like ERP for schools are there to take care of everything. ERP for schools ensure that the teaching-learning process should go smoothly and beneficial to the students.

Reports say that till 2012, cost of traditional education was rising to an alarming state, private institutions for higher education were offering many facilities but simultaneously they were charging costs for education and other things like hostels and extra activities, beyond the limit. This was so burdening that this situation was crushing the dreams of poor and middle-class students because they can never pay such a huge amount for study. Online learning is offering a variety of courses either on very low fees criteria or free of cost, even few institutions are offering scholarship programs also where on the basis of their own talent student can study for free under scholarship.

Best thing of online education is that speed of completion of course that too from trustworthy resources the time interval of completion of course as compared to traditional one, hence reduces the cost of learning also. Good thing is that nothing of traditional knowledge is left behind, instead it is just transformed and the method of delivery to the students or learner has been changed only. Satisfaction level of students is increasing in online learning as compared to traditional learning because traditional learning system used to be teacher centered whereas in online learning students are an integral part of discussion, assignments and even while the lectures online tutor allows students to represent their views on topics to extend the level of information so that any student may share any research or information about the topic which may be beneficial for everyone in class.

A school or college offers many courses but even then, they cannot compete with the capacity of an online learning system because they don’t have to look after much. In online classes they avail all the possible courses they can provide to the students so that any student can choose the course of his interest to study. In many aspects online classes are more affordable than offline courses because they provide ample amounts of study material and impose almost no cost for it. Apart from school discipline students can be seen sitting with stretched legs, in pajamas and also during online classes they can drink and eat according to their need and can study also meanwhile. Students don’t have to manage anything and don’t have to care much about anything because everything is managed under School ERP. School ERP looks forward to maintaining the necessary discipline even during online classes. Mostly we see that students who are enrolled in higher education and also wish to do some job to earn they have to go through a lot of trouble balancing both lives because time management becomes a matter of trouble for both. But with the help of online classes students can complete their education while doing jobs in a day and by watching recorded lectures and study material available in online classes app 24×7. Most of the time students appreciate online education because they can opt studying after completion of their daily important tasks.

In online classes students learn to interact with many faces and people from other regions and areas of the country and become familiar with all those faces. Online classes offer more collaborative social opportunities to the students where they learn to connect more efficiently than face-to-face medium of education in traditional methods of learning. Technologically students become sounder while using various technological mediums like educational apps, studying on online portals and course material available online.

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