July 27, 2024

Tel Aviv-based startup Komdor raised $ 21M led by Accel

Kubernetes is software that handles the whole lifecycle of an application starting from networking to deployment, rollout and scaling up and down. It is highly convenient for people as it allows plug-ins on its platforms. However, Microsoft recently warned customers about cyber attacks mounted on Kubernetes clusters by deploying malicious containers mined for Ethereum and Monero cryptocurrencies.

To resolve this issue, the Israel-based troubleshooting software named Komodor, which has been dedicated to Kubernetes has raised $ 21 million in funding led by Accel. Chief Technical Officer of GitHub, Jason Warner, CEO of Logz.io, Tomer Levy, Chief Technical Officer of Atlassian, and Sri Vishwanath, co-founder of Aqua Security named Amir Jerbi, have also joined the fundraising round.

Komodor has offered insights to developers, which has helped them to identify the root cause of different issues. This software provides a view of the whole Kubernetes stack, which helps the developers and on-call teams with actionable insights. This has helped them to resolve different issues more efficiently and independently.

This platform constructs changes in configuration, metrics, and dependencies by collecting data from source controllers, cloud providers, databases, monitoring tools, incident response platforms, underlying infrastructures and many others.

Komodor was initially founded by Itiel Shwartz and Ben Ofiri. Ofiri had previously worked as a product lead at Google’s Duplex. Shwartz was a software developer for Forter, eBay and Rookout.

The system of Kubernetes is also very complex. The Product lead at Google Kubernetes Engine, Drew Bradstock has mentioned that Kubernetes is still very complex even after its progress over the six years. There are various companies that have used this software but they have also faced difficulties with this software.

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